Dewan Kuliah Utama (ade 3 je DKU ni)
Bas yang digunakan untuk berulang-alik dari Kampus Pekan-Gambang
Gambar diambil diawal Pemindahan pelajar FKEE dan FKM
Gambar Selanjutnye boleh dilihat disini
A blog dedicated to tell a story in ump, how's the life as student in there and many more....from my point of view...
Dewan Kuliah Utama (ade 3 je DKU ni)
Bas yang digunakan untuk berulang-alik dari Kampus Pekan-Gambang
Gambar diambil diawal Pemindahan pelajar FKEE dan FKM
Gambar Selanjutnye boleh dilihat disini
Semester 1 2010/2011 merupakan semester yang paling pelik pernah dilalui...salah satunya disebabkan kes register subjek....kebiasaannya subjek untuk next sems bleh diregister sebelum final...tapi sems ni lambat sikit
untuk reminder pelajar UMP skalian sila tgk gambar bawah ni
Here is the picture of UMP Gambang in front of Chanselor Office
It has been a while since i update this blog....i got busy with real life
Anyway, the main reason i create this blog at first is to share my life experience as a student in University Malaysia Pahang.
Because when i first got offered a place in UMP i tried to find as much info as possible about UMP, but there aren't many, i did tried googling for some picture but there not many also.
So as a student studying in UMP rite now i want give some in depth review, or preview for those who want some info on this particular Uni.
by the way i'm Third Year Student from Faculty of Electric Electronic.